In an effort, or rather in the struggle the teacher faces trying to mold the character and personality of his/her student, fair praise is a discreet tool that brings forth marvelous results : the student feels the pleasant feeling that he has done the right thing , that he is on the right track , that the teacher recognizes his effort , and not only that but praise awakens in the child’s soul the desire and wish to go further …
Author: Κυριάκος Γεωργιάδης
Every man, if he is ever to maintain his inner freedom and succeed in life, should fight – a lasting and victorious fight- against his instincts and his base desires. Ancient Greeks had also reached this conclusion and expressed it in the following quote: «Οὐδεὶς ἐλεύθερος ἑαυτοῦ μὴ κρατῶν». ” No man is free unless he is a master of his own self” – that is, no one is free if he cannot curb or control his evil tendencies. Nowadays …
Every student keeps dreaming of vacations throughout the school year, Christmas break, Easter break, and especially Summer vacations. It is certainly not only for youngster to keep dreaming and wishing for vacation time , but for adults as well.Howerver, let us focus our attention on children for time being. Why is the face of a child lit up just by listening to the word ”vacations”? Firstly, because leisure time is increasingly less throughout the school year, free time is scarce …
Education as cultivation of spirituality and ethics pertains to not only the spirit and the intellect of a man but also to his/her body. And that is because man is a combination of both the spiritual and the physical, so he/she needs to take care of and cultivate both of those aspects. The achievement of this goal is accomplished amongst other things by two important gals/prerequisites: physical exertion and creative contact with nature and its rhythms. Physical Exertion How …
There is no activity, no matter how creative and suitable for someone it is, which can replace a conversation that is held between a child and their parent –father or mother. Children need to talk to their parents and teachers, so we, parents and teachers, should do our best to satisfy that need, but also further encourage the good habit of conversation. Its benefits are many. To begin with, the children’s self-confidence increases. They feel that they are respected and …
Routine number 1: Parents and children daily rushing about, to be in time for after-school activities (sports, music, ballet, foreign languages, etc.), grandparents co-operating with and supporting parents, everyone looking constantly at their watches! A reasonable (for most people) question is the following: Why is not Greek one of our basic priorities, as youngsters’ poor vocabulary has been a public discussion issue for decades? Routine number 2: Children walking on the streets, watching and playing with their mobile phones, …
We live in fast times. Everything and everyone is going fast and we are constantly running around to catch up . Of course, children are no exception to this rule. They too have too many obligations and chores, both school-related and extra-curricular. As for free time? All that remains is plundered away by the entertainment industry and the virtual world of the Internet. If the above sounds familiar to your reality, it is obvious we are facing a complete change …
One of the main reasons why we despise the Ancient Greek language or rather why we discourage our children from learning it is due to its perceived difficulty. Of course, this is not the only reason: this is a ‘dead’ language, one claims, this is just like a foreign language, claims yet another … But let us first stick to the matter of perceived difficulty in learning ancient Greek and make some useful- in our opinion- observations First Observation. Let …
The Greek language is the expression and the emblazonment of a nation, the Greek nation, through time. Greeks have saved a tradition which has its fundaments on a spiritual mountain range, metaphorically speaking: the Creto-Mycenean heritage and the heroic ethics, the archaic cities-states and the classical miracle, philosophy, and tragedy, the Macedonian leap, and the Alexandrian flourishing, the Orthodox Christian faith, and the “Byzantine” renaissance, the Modern Greek folk songs and the rest of the literature. The Greek language is …
When Sir Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) was at an old age and already famous, hewas once asked in an interview what –in his opinion- he owed his sharp eye to, thanks to which he discovered penicillin. Fleming, harking back to his past life, had to turn back to his childhood: “In the place where I grew up (at Lochfield farm, near Darvel, in East Ayrshirein Scotland,there was not a school. Every day I had to cross a little forest, …